Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

The Love that is Postponed

Occasionally the feeling comes with his smile.
Gaze at me so deep.
Appear to embrace me in quiet.
Bring me in the sweet dream.
Fly me to the world that is full of the colour.
However I cannot welcome him with my smile.
I cannot go to join him.
Must this feeling be postponed or must this feeling pass by and disappear in time.
I want all of them to join and with me.
I want to all of them only do not dream.
But I do not know when i must welcome him.
I do not understand whether I must fly with him to the world that is full of the colour.
I need time to better understand him.
I do not want this feeling to be wounded because I.
I do not want to fall again.
I only want to love this feeling with all my heart I.

My World

This my world.
That is full of the colour.
There is black and white.
There is the love, hate, laughter, and the tear.
This the world that is full of the choice.
Live must choose.
And the choice will determine your life henceforth.
Don't have hesitated on the decision that is chosen by you.
Your doubt will make you stopping to take a step.
Be convinced in undergoing your life.
Think positive in undergoing your life.
Because of living only very much.
Then influence your life with brush available in your heart.

Repeated Again

Must is repeated by my story.
That for a long time have been hidden far from my spirit.
That died together with dry him the meaning in himself.
Could this is passed through by me.
Together with proceeding time.
Bring me in my story.
To the history that is repeated again.


None am perfect in living this.
There is none that by chance that is real.
There is none that can become that is best from that is good.
However in undergoing the life.
Need the improvement continually in order to become good from before.

The Fan Of The Longing

Increasingly I move further away from you
Increasingly the wind speed jump at my longing fan
Increasingly I want to forget you
Increasingly tight the wind that jump at my the longing fan
my feel the longing is unimaginable beforehand for me
Make my heart gulping tight
When I want to Be sound asleep in my night
This longing That will bear fruit love
would this longing fan proceeds continue And changed become the love
Or would the longing fan only proceeds for a moment
Then stop and become the dream

The Candle is Not on

Give the meaning in the feeling
The road Index Finger from the heart
Although pain would came
Although all happen
If that the road
Then give me strong
Give me of the meaning
Is granted my prayer
So that all is able to be passed through by me

Follow Your Heart

Follow your heart
Not my heart
Follow your heart
Not my want
So also me
I am follow my heart
Not your heart
I follow my heart
Not your want
Although all walks in accordance with the our heart
Not there are those that prop up the heart and soul
So that all could walk to his place

Because Your Love

My smile
My Laughter
My Calm
All because of the your love
You make my world this means that
Each heart my beat
I always remember would yourself
Each my step
I always think about you
Each time my second
I increasingly loving you
you know all because of the your love
you know am difficult very much understand about this all
you know I am very happy because of your love

Understand the LOVE

people say the love makes all humankind blind and because of loving everything can be followed.
Possibly all that of only expressions that are not significant but I know the love indeed be full of fragrant and occasionally am full of the tear. The love, occasionally comes without knowing time & the place. Always look for the gap in the empty heart niche. Make humankind be stunned & amazed to him. The love, am full of the puzzle & the mystery because if being wrong in taking a step, then will be trapped forever. Be full of the game & always spread the uncertainty. The love, am difficult to distinguish him because I know most humankind only follows his conscience that is full of the desire & the sin. Always use him as the bypass to affect the spirit & the feeling of the other person. The love, do not have revealed him if in your heart still is gotten by small doubt. Use your time to better understand him and let him that gives the answer to you. The love, I know everyone feels him and once with him. Is grateful for the person who can maintain him and

Kamis, 23 Juli 2009


Pola memiliki istri / suami, pacar, kekasih, dsb, bukanlah ajaran islam. Tradisi yang bertentangan dengan ajaran islam ini merupakan doktrin dari alkitab. Dalam kitab Kidung Agung termaktub, “Kekasihku milikku, dan aku miliknya”. (2:16)”Aku milik kekasihku, dan kekasihku milikku”.(6:3).

Kita bukan milik istri/suami kita, bukan milik orang tua kita, bukan milik pacar kita....Lantas, kita milik siapa ? Inna lillahi.... Sungguh kita milik Allah semata.

Menurut Al-Quran, pernikahan dan percintaan itu bukanlah saling memiliki. “Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan untukmu istri-istri dari jenismu sendiri, supaya kamu cenderung dan merasa tenteram kepadanya, dan dijadikannya di antaramu kasih dan sayang....”(ar-Rum (30):21).

Ayat ini sangat populer dan hampir di setiap kartu undangan walimah pernikahan yang kita terima, ayat tersebut dicantumin. Tapi kok yang selalu ada di benak kebanyakan dari kita adalah “istri milikku atau suamiku milikku ??. Kenapa bukan “kami suami-istri saling menenteramkan...??.


Mengapa mereka harus bertemu

Namun suatu saat mereka harus berpisah

Mengapa mereka saling jatuh cinta

Jika cinta mereka tak dapat menyatu

Inikah takdir dari Tuhan

Yang harus mereka jalani

Mungkin tersimpan rahasia di dalamnya

Yang tidak kita ketahui

Mungkinkah kisah mereka akan memberi kita arti

Memberi kita pelajaran tentang hidup yang sebenarnya

Semoga kisah cinta mereka akan menjadikan

Kita lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Amien


Cinta itu nggak punya bentuk dan warna. Karena cinta itu sesuatu yang abstrak, ia adalah refleksi dari perasaan hati. Kita nggak nggak akan pernah tau bentuk cinta dan warnanya sekalipun. Itu jelas, karena cinta itu memang sebuah perasaan yang unik. Yang ada, ketika seorang menggambarkan perasaan cintanya kepada orang yang dicintainya, entah sejak kapan, cinta disimbolkan dengan gambar hati berwarna merah. Mungkin karena posisi dan tempat perasaan cinta ada di dalam hati yang nggak pernah bisa dijangkau oleh manusia lainnya, kecuali dirinya sendiri. Intinya...karena cinta itu sebuah perasaan yang dilambangkan dengan hati, kita nggak pernah tahu dari mana perasaan itu muncul., Potensi untuk mencinta memang sudah ada di dalam setiap jiwa manusia. Seburuk apapun manusia itu,. Setiap manusia di dunia menyukai yang baik-baik, yang indah-indah dan semacamnya.


Karenanya aku melihat dunia

Karenanya aku mengenal cinta

Karenanya aku tau makna kasih & sayang

Semua karena Ibu yang aku cintai

Tanpanya aku tak mungkin bisa menulis

Tanpanya aku tak mungkin bisa membaca

Tanpanya aku tak mungkin bisa bahagia

Semua aku bisa lakukan karena Ibuku tersayang

Karena Ibu aku bisa berjalan

Karena Ibu aku mampu berlari

Karena Ibu aku punya semangat tuk meraih mimpi & citaku

Bagiku ucapan Ibu adalah Doa

Bagiku mencium tangan Ibu adalah pahala

Bagiku mencium kaki Ibu, tunduk, sujud dan mengikuti nasehatnya adalah jalan menuju Surga.

Surga yang selalu kekal dan abadi


Jika malam datang biarkan gelap membuatmu tidur & lelap

Jika pagi menjelang, biarlah terang membangunkanmu

Bila waktu terus berjalan, biarkan dia menjadi pengingatmu

Dunia ternyata terus berputar dan tak seorangpun dapat menghentikannya

Setiap yang muda menjadi tua

Setiap yang hidup akan mati

Inilah dunia tempat kita menghuni

Terus berputar dan tak pernah berhenti

Sampai akhir nanti

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